by Emily Garibian, Red Cross L.A. Region Communications Dept. Summer Intern
This summer, I had the opportunity to attend the National Charity League Blood Drive at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital (#FightOn)! At the blood drive, I was live tweeting and had the chance to meet all the courageous and fearless donors who took time out of their Sunday to donate blood.
Fewer donors schedule an appointment to give blood during the summer months, which is why blood drives like this are so important. Almost every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood and more than 41,000 blood donations are needed every day. The National Charity League, which is a non-profit organization of mothers and daughters, hosted the blood drive and continued their mission of serving the community. It was a fun-filled #SundayFunday as the National Charity League held raffles, gave out prizes, and had delicious sweets made for the donors. Every donor also received a free ticket entry to Madame Toussaud’s Hollywood and a voucher for two free tickets to the Laugh Factory.
If you are looking for a gratifying way to give back to your community or wanting to try something new to do in the summer, please consider hosting a blood drive with your friends and family. Even if you cannot donate blood, the Red Cross makes it easy for you to contribute in other ways, by hosting a blood drive or making a financial contribution. For more information on how and why to host a blood drive, check out to find more information.

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