Last November while on vacation, Ana Morais, the new Regional Mass Care Disaster Program Specialist for the Red Cross Los Angeles, visited the young Patrolmen of Associação dos Patrulheiros e Guarda Mirim de Hortolândia in Sao Paulo, Brazil to talk to them about her job, passion to serve and life lessons.
Even when enjoying family time and much-needed R&R, Ana was excited to take some time out to pass along the message to the young members that it’s important to discover their passion and learn how to navigate the challenges they have ahead as they prepare to engage in college.
“I felt honored when approached by the organization to talk about not just my professional experiences, but what motivates me to do what I do,” Ana said. “I feel a sense of responsibility to share all I have learned by working with different groups, cultures and backgrounds across the globe, especially when I have the opportunity to share that with the future generation. As a member of the Disaster Team, we are never on break, even when I am enjoying some vacation time.”
Ana, who is originally from Brazil, shared her experiences with the Red Cross where she works with managing teams, engaging volunteers and responding to disasters such as earthquakes and wildfires. In addition, she talked about her global experience of working in North, Central and South America, as well as Africa and Europe.
The young audience of Associação dos Patrulheiros e Guarda Mirim de Hortolândia, a civil society organization offering guidance, job experience placement and charitable assistance, walked away thanking her for sharing her story and experiences and for professionally motivating them as they are just starting out. They especially reveled in her message and lesson to never give up what they believe.
“Don’t settle down, find what you love to do. Don’t listen when they tell you ‘You can’t.’ Have a clear goal and success will be a consequence,” Ana said.
The Red Cross is an international nonprofit organization whose primary purpose is to provide relief and assistance to people who are victims of war and natural disasters.