Impartiality Logo v2is the second of Seven Fundamental Principles that direct our work. It requires us to give assistance to all who suffer, without discrimination and void of personal preference. The predominate factor that guides who to help and when to help is simply who needs the most help at a given moment in time.

While most people would find it easy to help a friend, most would find it difficult to help an enemy. Impartiality demands that Red Cross workers offer aid to those who need it most – friend or foe – favoring the foe when they need more help than the friend. Taken to its extreme, impartiality sometimes means we risk our own safety so we can take care of others.rco_blog_img_impartiality

Impartiality is difficult, especially during times of war or disaster. But when we apply the ideal of impartiality and our actions are rooted in love for our fellow human being, rendering assistance actually becomes easier. Free of prejudices and political constraints, we act with the underlying beliefs that everyone matters and that love conquers all.


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