The holiday season is a time for family and festivities. It’s also a time to be reminded of those who are less fortunate and in need of a helping hand.
This Giving Tuesday, November 28, you can give a unique and meaningful gift to help the people we meet every 8 minutes who have been devastated by disaster. In fact, there are four great ways to give to the American Red Cross Los Angeles Region on Giving Tuesday:
- Give Blood at a blood drive near you by scheduling an appointment today.
- Give Funds via or via GIVE Los Angeles, a Crowdrise fundraising competition organized by Los Angeles Magazine.
- Give Time by signing up for an upcoming Sound the Alarm event and help the Red Cross install free smoke alarms in vulnerable communities.
- Give Comfort by purchasing new, unused personal items for our Service to the Armed Forces and Veterans and International Services programs.
Will you give in all four ways?
Click here to download your Giving Tuesday checklist
Be sure to share your Giving Tuesday story on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram hare the story of how you gave by using the hashtags #GivingTuesday and #RedCrossLA.
Your gift at the beginning of this holiday season can bring hope to those in need. This year, give something that means something.
Give Blood
Did you know a single blood donation can potential save up to three lives? Giving blood is giving life, and there are plenty of opportunities to give on #GivingTuesday.
Before the big day, make sure you’ve registered to donate blood or blood platelets at or download the Red Cross Blood App. Then, on the big day, it will only take an hour of your time to give life!
Schedule an appointment and give blood
Download the Red Cross Blood app: Apple App Store | Google Play
Give Funds
Disasters happen every day, even here at home. Your gift to the American Red Cross will help people throughout Southern California prepare for – and respond to – disasters big and small.
Your donation can also support the American Red Cross in the GIVE Los Angeles challenge hosted by Los Angeles Magazine, where up to $15,000 in additional funds is available to the winning organization. Here’s what your donation – and the possible additional prize funds – can help us accomplish.
• $2 loads a snack onto an Emergency Response Vehicle, ready to respond to any size of disaster
• $5 readies a Red Cross blanket for distribution
• $15 covers a smoke alarm installation at a local Sound the Alarm event and helps prevent tragedies during a home fire
• $50 will provide a full day of food and shelter for one person
• $100 covers the cost of clean-up kits for 5 families and contain items needed to begin recovery immediately after a disaster.
• $600 provides financial assistance for a family impacted by a local disaster, like a home fire.
• $1,650 will deploy a volunteer from Los Angeles to an operation, on average lasting 11 days.
• $7,500 is the average cost fully stocking and an Emergency Response Vehicle from Los Angeles to deploy to an operation like those launched in response to hurricanes
Give Something that Means Something | Give funds via the GIVE Los Angeles Challenge
Give Time
Just one day of volunteerism can help the American Red Cross save lives in Los Angeles.
Since 2014, the Red Cross, in partnership with fire departments and other local groups, has visited homes installing free smoke alarms, replacing batteries in existing alarms and providing fire prevention and safety education to prevent needless tragedies.
Sign up today to install free smoke alarms at an upcoming Sound the Alarm, Save a Life event and you can help the Red Cross achieve its goal of reducing home fires 25% by the year 2020.
We’ll even provide breakfast, lunch, and a free t-shirt!
Click here to give time and sign up for a Sound the Alarm event
Give Comfort
The American Red Cross’ unwavering commitment to members of the U.S. military, its veterans and their families continues to grow and develop more than a century after Clara Barton first recruited nurses to support the U.S. Army. Today, the Red Cross serves veterans in Los Angeles through comfort programs that assist homeless veterans, hospitalized veterans, and servicemembers and their families.
And as a part of the world’s largest humanitarian network, Red Cross International Services helps resettlement agencies in Los Angeles by providing welcome baskets for refugees as they arrive in their new home. These welcome baskets are composted of basic home needs to help ease the burden of resettling and create a welcoming environment in their new community.
Both programs distribute new and unused personal items to distribute to those in need, and online registries make it easy to purchase and ship these items to Los Angeles regional headquarters.
Click to give comfort via one of our online registries: Walmart | Target | Amazon
We hope you’ll join us this #GivingTuesday.