By Regional Communications Manager, Fred Mariscal
The Great ShakeOut earthquake drill is an opportunity to practice how to be safer during earthquakes: “Drop, Cover and Hold On.”
The Great ShakeOut has been organized to encourage you, your community, your school, or your organization to update emergency plans and supplies, and to secure your space in order to prevent damage and injuries. This year, it will take place on Thursday, October 19 at 10:19am at the County of Los Angeles Natural History Museum which is located in Exposition Park, at 900 Exposition Boulevard between Vermont Avenue and Figueroa Street. There will be a Mobile Earthquake Simulator from 3am to 1pm to show the media and the public what an earthquake would feel like. Experts will also be present to talk to the press about different subjects related to earthquakes.
The American Red Cross Los Angeles Region will participate with a booth in which the Disney Pillow Case Project will be showcased. A Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicle will be present, as well. Los Angeles Region CEO, Jarrett Barrios will be on hand for the event, and may even take a stab at practicing Drop, Cover and Hold On inside the Mobile Earthquake Simulator.
Schedule of Events
9:00am – Press Conference will be held in front of the County of LA Natural History Museum (NHM)
10:17am – Early Earthquake Warning System (EEWS) will be sent out and media, residents, and visitors in the Expo Park area are told to prepare for severe shaking in the next two minutes. Prior to the shaking people will be instructed to “Drop, Cover, and Hold On.”
10:19am – 7.8 magnitude earthquake happens.
10:20am – Earthquake shaking stop and drill begins.
In preparation for the Great ShakeOut, Los Angeles Region Youth Corps have created original earthquake preparedness YouTube videos as part of the 2017 #PrepareLA Video Challenge. Check out all the entries here and watch your favorite video twice, as the video with the most YouTube views between now and October 19 2017, wins!
There are many ways for individuals, businesses, schools, faith-based organizations, community groups, government agencies, and others to participate in the Great ShakeOut. Just click on and register to participate in the world’s largest earthquake drill.