by Sam Frankl – Logistics Lead
As the year-end holidays approach and most people are at home preparing meals or planning parties there are individuals among us, probably you, who make themselves available to help their fellow mankind at times of disaster and hardship. These individuals are members of Clara’s Army-Red Cross Volunteers.
But how does an army move and what does it need? Somehow when the Red Cross responds things are there for the Clients. How does that happen? The answer may seem easy, but the reality is complex. Logistics.
A small group of just over 200 volunteers sort, store, account for, and deliver all the supplies and equipment responders require to assist those in need in a disaster. Challenges are faced, met, and overcome in order to insure services are delivered in a timely manner to our Clients.
Logistics workers stay behind the scenes, are rarely interviewed by the media or seen on TV news, yet they work tirelessly to fulfill the Mission of the Red Cross. Your family is home carving the ham, a disaster occurred, the phone just rang. You’re called to respond, but it’s Christmas Eve! There are stockings to stuff, tree branches to fluff.
You put on your jeans, heavy socks, and work boots. Red shirt, gloves and jacket are taken, while your family looks on in total amazement. From a simple family man they see the changes – you are going out to do what the Season intended. Caring and compassion you have in your heart, for the work will be hard and all through the night.
ERV’s are arriving, assessments are made. Case workers record what the Clients have said. No one thanks you, but don’t be depressed. That stuffed toy you sent – the last one on the shelf, made the difference to the little child the disaster dispossessed.
From the Logistics Leads and Manager, we wish you Merry Christmas to you all, your efforts and contributions are invaluable for us to meet the needs, and we couldn’t do it without you.