CSULB club, Measle and Rubella, May 2015_rco_blog_img_jpg

by Tina Nguyen, Red Cross Club President, Cal State University Long Beach (2014-2015)

Measles and Rubella hit The Beach… Cal State Long Beach that is.

The Red Cross club at CSULB started fundraising for the Measles and Rubella Initiative by selling Measles and Rubella pins first to the general student body and then individually to friends and family.

The first sales event was so successful that we ran out of pins and started just asking for donations. The CSULB students were so generous and giving even without receiving a pin. They were happy to just support measles and rubella vaccinations and receive some complementary candies while doing it.

CSULB girls, May 2015.cropped

There were a few opposing opinions about vaccines in general, but we were respectful of their opinions and educated them on existing medical information showing the importance of vaccines.

Friends and family not involved in the Red Cross were more than happy to donate without receiving pins. Senior Juan Guevara, who is majoring in Health Care Administration, donated without even counting how much he handed over. As a Coast Guard Officer and father himself, he was more than happy to support a global initiative that benefited children.

A total of over $1,236 was raised in the two months time spend fundraising. As a Red Cross club and students of CSULB, were so happy to have potentially funded vaccines available for over 1,236 people.

Even though the school year is over, it is safe to say that Measles and Rubella will be back at The Beach next year.




Tina Nguyen

American Red Cross at CSULB, President


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